Asia Wild is committed to supporting small, locally-focused organizations that champion animal welfare, regardless of location. These organizations tirelessly combat numerous issues that threaten wildlife survival, including poaching, abuse, captivity, illegal wildlife trade, and trafficking, while promoting global conservation and sustainability efforts.
Asia Wild aims to make a tangible and lasting impact by supporting local and smaller nonprofits. Together, we can help protect and preserve some of the planet's most endangered and at-risk species and promote a more sustainable and responsible approach to conservation.
Join us in our mission to support these nonprofits and make a difference today. Your donation, regardless of size, will contribute to the fight against animal cruelty, exploitation, and extinction. Let's work together to build a brighter future for all creatures, great and small.

Wildlife in Captivity
According to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, of the more than 5,000 tigers in the United States, only around 380 of those are in accredited zoos and sanctuaries. There are around 3900 Tigers in the wild throughout Asia. In the United States, Congress passed the Big Cat Public Safety Act. The Act prohibits private possession of big cats, bans cub interactions, like petting, and restricts the exhibition of big cats. Still, many US States do not have similar laws.
Conservation, Sustainability and Climate Change
Conservation, climate change, and sustainability are global issues. Conservation increases wildlife habitat, and preserved land can offer buffers between wildlife and communities. Healthy ecosystems help reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. All of these efforts help build resilient communities and sustainability.

Wildlife Trafficking & Wildlife Trade
What is wildlife trafficking? It is poaching or other illegal taking of protected or managed species and the illegal trade of wildlife and their related parts. Poachers, wildlife smugglers, and black market merchants are operating worldwide.
These activities threaten the economic stability of communities, destabilize the environment, and funnel billions of dollars (according to the US Justice Department) into illegal activities like money laundering, smuggling, and more.
Wildlife as Entertainment
Wildlife is forced into performing at roadside "zoos," circuses, marine shows, and other venues. They are not willing participants and are usually kept in confined spaces, chained, and abused until they perform. Using animals for this purpose removes them from their natural habitat, and they will never be released back into the wild and end up dying or being killed when they are too old, no longer of use, too big and dangerous, etc.

137 species of plants, animals and insects every day due to deforestation*
Habitat loss resulting fromdeforestation is one of the greatest threat to the survival of animals worldwide.
* According to a COP26 report

Habitat Facts
Deforestation leads to the loss of food resources, "homes" as they are forced out of their natural range, and increases the chances of being caught by predators. This leads to the reduction of populations of wildlife and eventually, extension.